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We are now five weeks into the 2018 AUDL season, which kicked off Saturday, March 31st. Once again, I will be on the sidelines with aVoceBehindTheLens photographing (and cheering on) the New York Empire.


This season, a little over half of each game will be played from twilight to darkness, so my D300s was just not going to cut it. I love the two that I have, but being that they were originally released in 2009 there tech was getting a little old. They still perform well in good light, but once the sun sets, shooting fast moving action becomes an issue. I have been looking for a new camera for about a year and finally decided to go with a refurbished D500. It is a lot of camera for me, but, wow, is it amazing. I got it a day before the last Empire game (The April 21st game against the Ottawa Outlaws), so it was the first time that I got to try it out.

Over the upcoming weeks, I plan on creating some posts about photographing the game and some techniques I’m learning. I will also try to put up some more gifs and other creative photos.